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Our Impact

Our team brings a diversity of industry experience in marketing, training, branding, design and communications, all which we have been applied to assisting SMEs in Africa.

Some Trainings and Workshops

Linden, Guyana    



Textile workshop for members of the Linden Textile Association (LTA), sponsored by the European Union.  The LTA was exposed to up-to-date textile techniques and materials, which added greater marketability to their products.Conducted a two-week textile workshop sponsored by the USDA Graduate School and the African Growth and Opportunities Act Training Center Africa.


Cotonou, Benin 

Two-week textile workshop sponsored by the USDA Graduate School and the African Growth and Opportunities Act Training Center Africa.  The workshop was designed to give handicapped people new skills or improve old skills in textile production, thereby improving their income generating potential.  Emphasis was placed on quality as the fundamental deciding factor on how a product will fair in the market place.



Washington, DC

Entuma partnered with ZuriWorks for Women’s Health on The Scarf Project at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. We demonstrated and taught participants in this workshop how to batik head wraps for women who have chemotherapy-induced hair loss. 


Douala, Cameroon

One-week workshop on the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act.  Discussed what measures could be taken to improve the marketability of textile products from Cameroon. 

Accra, Ghana

Work with buyers from TJ Maxx and Mashall’s Department Stores to improve the quality of Ghanaian handicrafts in a multi-million dollar export industry.